Primary school

Primary school

Grades I-VIII

The core subjects are emphasised and the curriculum is enriched with a transdisciplinary process that prepares young students to be self-confident and respectful of own as well as other societies and cultures.

Our child-centered approach is designed using best study practice with a holistic approach, with varied experiences and expressive processes which foster not only numeracy and literacy but also creativity and imagination.

In Gujarati medium grades I-VIII, we have adopted the GSEB curriculums as well as In English medium we have adopted CBSE base curriculums that allows our pre-existing strengths to be combined with a huge and thoughtful resources. Cutting-edge teaching practice, monthly staff training, and a focus on developing self-awareness and reflection among students.

Inquiry, experiment base study and the use of resources such as Olympiad, GK & Library books use to help students to become life-long learners.
Musicals, art, drama, creative writing and public speaking, are important components of the study programme. The school support a large range of co-curricular activities, aided by talented teachers, experts, and parental support. The Reading Programme allows detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each child.

The Middle School curriculum is based on the school’s general academic aims of developing critical thinking and inculcating the attitudes and skills of successful life-long learners.

List of Subjects Offered

  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Science- Physics, Chemistry & Biology
  • Social Studies- History, Geography & Current Events
  • Language- English, Hindi, Gujarati
  • Theatre Art
  • Music
  • Art & Design
  • Physical Education
  • Creative writing & reading

Monthly / semester base syllabus schedule:
std. vise syllabus can be download in pdf format.