Creative Writing & Thinking

Creative Writing & Thinking

Creative writing activities are perfect for the aspiring novelist in your house! Creative writing activities helps your child build writing fluency, vocabulary, penmanship, and creative thinking skills.

Both critical and creative thinking skills are essential to an adolescent’s cognitive development. Student gain critical thinking skills in school through methods of inquiry, whereas creative thinking abilities are gleaned from an array of learning opportunities.

Incorporate creative thinking & writing activities into learning experiences to promote individuality, problem solving and leadership skills, innovation and creation.

Activities conducted at school:

  • Voting awareness
  • Power of Right to information act
  • Swachahta’s basic essential
  • Tree plantation
  • Save earth & environment
  • Use of renewable resources
  • No wasting food
  • Save money
  • Respect to elder
  • Population control
  • Importance of music in life
  • And many others…..

Art & drawing Activities
In addition to developing original works, art & drawing activities promote creative thinking skills by encouraging kids to think about and see things in new and unique ways. Challenge student to replicate a favorite painting or picture from a book or magazine by looking at it upside down as they draw. This helps young artists to see the work from a fresh perspective as well as think about its compositional form — that is, its lines, shapes and shading — as opposed to its content or message. Challenge students to bring their own interests to art activities and investigate those interests through artistic media.

Reading and Writing Activities
Creative thinking means thinking outside the box. Reading and writing activities are effective tools for helping young adults challenge, question and re-envision concepts. Allow student to choose from a selection of reading materials and ask them open-ended questions about the text that require them to “fill in” the details that the author leaves out. Make an activity out of it by supplementing reading with writing activities based on the selection. If a student is reading a short story, for example, assign a writing activity that requires him to “interview” a character or write a news report about an occurrence. Encourage student to form original ideas and opinions by reviewing books and moral films.

Social Activities
Social activities and collaborative learning promote creative thinking through brainstorming and sharing ideas. Encourage small groups of students to plan a volunteer effort or host a charity event in the community. Or, simply give kids discussion questions based on a common interest or news headline for students to talk about and debate. One idea shared among a group is often enough to spark other ideas and different ways of thinking about things.

Adoption of new ideas and technics in education
We believe in overall development of students as per the demand generated by era. We adopt new ideas and technics in study so education become for interesting as well as useful in day to day life.

We more focus on practical knowledge than theoretical.